It is critical to understand that suppressing dissent only serves to exacerbate the harm caused by injustice and jeopardise the principles that the US purports to represent, as hundreds of students have been subjected to detention, threats of expulsion, and disciplinary action for expressing their solidarity with the plight of Gaza. 

    The demand for justice is at the center of these demonstrations. In response to the continuous bloodshed and breaches of human rights in Gaza, students are calling for their institutions to withdraw from firms that assist Israel in oppressing the Palestinian people. 

    Source: Vox

    This is a moral stance.The administration has adopted harsh measures in place of addressing the students’ complaints, using accusations of anti-Semitism as justification for their behaviour. Critiquing Israel’s abuses does not equate to anti-Semitism. It is an acceptable method of protest against injustice that is based on international law and human rights values. 

    Critics of the Israeli government are attempting to undermine dissent and absolve Israel of responsibility by equating criticism with anti-Semitism. It is concerning how colleges and law enforcement have responded. The democratic ideals that educational institutions should uphold are incompatible with the use of force to quell protests. 

    Source: Global News

    Rather than cultivating a space in which a range of viewpoints can be openly discussed, these acts have the opposite effect, limiting discussion and opposition.The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has correctly voiced concerns about the harsh reaction to these demonstrations and emphasised how crucial it is to safeguard the right to free speech. The US, which prides itself on being the leader of the free world, should not stifle opposing viewpoints; rather, it should serve as a ray of hope, guaranteeing justice and freedom for all.

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