In a podcast titled u201cIn the Zone,u201d the current head of the Indian team said his coach, former Indian shooter Abhinav, thanked Bindra for understanding what worked for him and what didnu2019t. He said he was able to play at the highest level for a long time.
    Early in his career, the former hitter said he spent a lot of energy thinking about his game, even when he wasn’t playing. But later I realized that this was putting pressure on me instead of making me better.
    u201cLooking back on my career, managing my energy, more mental energy, has been a real game changer in terms of career length and performance. I was spending a lot of energy thinking and thinking and worrying about things, Dravid said on the podcast.
    Over time, I’ve learned that it doesn’t necessarily help me play my sport or play better. I had to pick myself up and find a life outside of cricket, said ‘The Wall’.
    u201cI still never wanted to be like Viroux. Like Wirunder Sehwag, I thought it would be much easier to switch off outside the game because of his character. I never get to that level, but I was starting to realize I knew I had to find a way to turn it off It was the mental side of needing help. I’ve come to realize that this is just as important as extra time at the gym or working out, he explained.
    Dravid’s statement underscores the importance of gamers stepping away from their games from time to time. After all, they are not machines that work day and night without rest.
    Fans, however, are unaware of this and start beating players when they ask for a break to recharge their batteries – what happened to Virat Kohli is a prime example. When the former India international skipper asked the selectors to rest from the West Indies tour, many began pounding left, right and center without knowing why he asked for rest.
    Dravid’s comment on the importance of staying away from cricket is a slap in the face for those who don’t like Kohli.
    Critics must realize that Kohli wasn’t the first cricketer to take a break, and he won’t be the last.If anything needs to change, it’s their way of thinking.


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