Rajesh Khanna, the Bollywood heartthrob of the 1970s, earned the title of the “First Superstar of Indian Cinema” for his charismatic on-screen presence and romantic charm. However, behind the glittering facade of his success, lurked tales of ‘starry tantrums’ that strained relationships with renowned directors like Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Yash Chopra. In this blog, we delve into the rise and fall of the original ‘King of Romance’ and the conflicts that marred his professional journey.

    The Rise of Rajesh Khanna:

    Rajesh Khanna’s meteoric rise to stardom is the stuff of Bollywood legends. With a string of blockbuster hits like “Aradhana,” “Anand,” and “Bawarchi,” he became the industry’s darling, captivating audiences with his mesmerizing smile and soulful performances. However, as success enveloped him, so did an aura of arrogance that later manifested as ‘starry tantrums.’

    Hrishikesh Mukherjee: A Clash of Titans:

    Hrishikesh Mukherjee, the acclaimed director known for his simple and heartwarming films, collaborated with Rajesh Khanna in several successful projects. However, the relationship soured due to Khanna’s growing demands and alleged interference in the filmmaking process. Mukherjee, who preferred a collaborative approach on set, found himself at odds with the ‘Superstar’ over creative differences and the intrusion of starry egos.

    Yash Chopra and the Untold Struggles:

    Yash Chopra, another iconic filmmaker, faced his own set of challenges while working with Rajesh Khanna. The duo created magic with classics like “Daag” and “Safar,” but behind the scenes, the relationship was marred by clashes over Khanna’s star status. Reports of script interference and prima donna behavior on set painted a picture of a star who was increasingly difficult to work with.

    The Downfall of the ‘Superstar’:

    As the 1970s progressed, Rajesh Khanna’s box office appeal waned, and the industry witnessed the emergence of new stars. The once-revered actor struggled to adapt to changing tastes and faced a series of flops. The ‘starry tantrums’ that were once tolerated during his prime became increasingly intolerable as his star began to fade.

    Source TOI

    Legacy and Reflection:

    Despite the tumultuous relationships with directors like Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Yash Chopra, Rajesh Khanna’s legacy endures. His contributions to Indian cinema, especially during its romantic era, remain unforgettable. The clashes with directors serve as a cautionary tale about the delicate balance between stardom and professionalism, showcasing the challenges faced by even the most celebrated actors.

    Source:- ndtv


    Rajesh Khanna, the original ‘King of Romance,’ left an indelible mark on Bollywood, but his journey was not without its share of conflicts. The clash with directors like Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Yash Chopra serves as a reminder that even the most iconic figures are not immune to the pitfalls of stardom. In the ever-evolving landscape of the film industry, the stories of both success and struggle paint a comprehensive picture of the complexities that accompany fame.

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