In the wake of a devastating fire tragedy in Rajkot that claimed the lives of 28 people, the city’s Police Commissioner has been transferred. The incident, which occurred at a commercial complex, has sparked widespread outrage and demands for accountability. The fire, reportedly caused by a short circuit, quickly spread through the building, trapping many inside.

    Source:- india today

    The transfer of the Police Commissioner is seen as a move by the state government to address public anger and demonstrate a commitment to improving safety standards. Critics argue that the tragedy could have been prevented with better enforcement of fire safety regulations and more rigorous building inspections.

    Source:- BBC news

    The victims’ families have expressed deep sorrow and frustration, calling for a thorough investigation into the incident. The state government has announced compensation for the families of the deceased and has promised to take strict action against those responsible for any lapses.

    This tragedy has highlighted the urgent need for improved safety measures in commercial buildings across the region. Authorities are now under pressure to review and tighten fire safety protocols to prevent such incidents in the future. The transfer of the Police Commissioner, while a significant step, is just the beginning of what many hope will be a comprehensive effort to enhance public safety in Rajkot.

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