In his piece on how the Modi government tackled Maoism in India, Ram Madhav outlines the multi-faceted approach adopted to combat the Maoist insurgency. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, the government intensified its efforts to address Maoist violence and extremism, focusing on both security and developmental strategies.

    Source:- news 18

    Madhav notes that one key aspect of the approach was a significant increase in the deployment of security forces to Maoist-affected areas. The government enhanced the capabilities of paramilitary forces and provided better training and equipment to tackle the insurgents effectively. This included the establishment of new battalions and the deployment of specialized forces in the most affected regions.

    Source:- -BBC news

    Simultaneously, the Modi administration emphasized the need for socio-economic development in Maoist-hit areas. Understanding that development is crucial to addressing the root causes of insurgency, the government launched several initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare in these regions. Programs such as the “Special Development Package” were designed to boost economic growth and reduce poverty, which are often seen as factors fueling Maoist recruitment.

    Additionally, the Modi government worked on strengthening intelligence networks and improving coordination between various security agencies. This involved setting up integrated command centers and enhancing surveillance to better track and respond to Maoist activities.

    Another significant measure was the promotion of peace dialogues and negotiations with local Maoist leaders, aiming to bring about a political resolution to the conflict. The government’s strategy involved offering opportunities for dialogue while maintaining pressure on the insurgents through security operations.

    In summary, Ram Madhav highlights that the Modi government’s approach to tackling Maoism was comprehensive, combining security measures with developmental initiatives and efforts to foster dialogue, reflecting a balanced strategy to address both the symptoms and root causes of the insurgency.

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