Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Ramesh Bidhuri, contesting from Delhi’s Kalkaji constituency, recently made a controversial remark during a public rally, stating that he would develop roads in the area to be as smooth as Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks.

    Source:- bbc news

    This comment drew sharp criticism from various political figures. Congress leader Supriya Shrinate condemned the statement as “shameful,” accusing the BJP of harboring an “anti-women” mindset.

    Source:- news 18

    In response to the backlash, Bidhuri expressed regret, stating, “If anyone is hurt, I express regret and take my words back.”

    Delhi Chief Minister Atishi also criticized Bidhuri’s remarks, labeling them as indicative of the BJP’s disrespect towards women. She emphasized that such statements reflect a broader issue within the party’s attitude towards women.

    This incident has intensified the political discourse in Delhi, with elections approaching and parties vying for public support.

    For a more in-depth understanding of the controversy surrounding Ramesh Bidhuri’s remarks and the ensuing political reactions, you may find the following video insightful:

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