Kangana Ranaut has recently sparked controversy by questioning Sonu Sood’s stance on the UP Kanwar Yatra row. The debate centers around the religious pilgrimage of Kanwar Yatra, which involves Hindu devotees traveling to collect holy water from the Ganges River. Ranaut’s remarks were particularly provocative, as she linked the issue to the practice of halal meat, suggesting that if one religious practice is scrutinized or restricted, then similar scrutiny should be applied to all religious practices, including halal.

    Source:- news 18

    She argued that there should be equal treatment and consideration for all religious traditions. Her statement, “Halal should be…” left many wondering if she implied that religious freedoms should be balanced or if she was calling for a reevaluation of religious practices that impact public life and order.

    Source:- BBC news

    Sonu Sood, known for his humanitarian efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken a more conciliatory approach, emphasizing unity and mutual respect among different communities. His stance has been seen as advocating for a peaceful coexistence and understanding between different religious groups.

    Ranaut’s comments have once again brought attention to her outspoken nature and her tendency to court controversy by addressing sensitive religious and social issues head-on. The discourse around this incident highlights the ongoing tensions and debates about religious practices and their place in public life in India.

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