The incident, which was captured on camera, provides an opportunity to seriously confront the pervasive problems of racial discrimination in law enforcement, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. 
    Source: The Independent
    In France, there were a record 13 such shootings last year, and since 2017, the majority of the victims have been of African or Arab descent. More accountability has been demanded in response to the tragedies.
    Numerous western countries have had to cope with racial riots against the police, starting in Britain in 2011 and ending in the US with the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013. Long considered taboo, the French policing strategy has come under fire for advocating an excessive use of force. The widespread unrest has brought attention once again to the reasons why previous administrations have been powerless to change an institution beholden to strong unions.
    The violence serves as a reminder of the perceived unfairness and abandonment in areas where the majority of the population has French colonial roots. President Emmanuel Macron has charged social media with inciting the unrest as he tries to calm things down in the largest crisis for his presidency since the 2018 yellow vest riots. 

    Source: FRANCE 24 English
    Politically weakened, he is being criticized by the Left for ignoring the underprivileged, and the Right wants him to take more drastic action against the rioters. It is believed that his choice to not support the police shooting was an important step in regaining public order. The greater challenge is the lengthy history of official negligence.
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