Sports Today reported that Ganguly, who is expected to join Delhi Capitals as director of cricket, stated, Rishabh Pant will not be available for the IPL. Ganguly stated on Tuesday, It will be a great IPL (for the team), we will do well, but Rishabh Pant’s injury will affect the Delhi Capitals.
    The 25-year-old was rushed to the hospital, where he remained for a few days before being flown to Mumbai via air for further treatment and surgery.
    According to the Indian cricket board, Pant sustained multiple injuries, including a broken ligament in his right knee, injured wrist and ankle, and abrasions on his back.
    Pant is a mainstay of the Test team and has been a key part of some of India’s most memorable victories over the past three years. He is a wicketkeeper and a flashy batsman.
    However, his white-ball performance has been subpar over the past few months, and just a few days prior to the accident, he was left out of the squads for the upcoming one-day internationals and Twenty20 matches against Sri Lanka.
    Additionally, Pant is likely to miss Australia’s upcoming tour of India in February and March, during which the two nations will play four Test matches.


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