India’s vice-captain Rohit Sharma has downplayed the significance of India’s recent fightback in the ongoing series, stating that it will have no bearing on their upcoming challenge in Melbourne. Despite a strong performance in the previous matches, Rohit emphasized that each game is a fresh contest and the team must focus on the upcoming challenges without being swayed by past performances.

    Source:- bbc news

    India’s recent efforts have sparked optimism among fans, with the team recovering from difficult situations to show resilience. However, Rohit made it clear that past successes, while encouraging, do not guarantee future outcomes, particularly when facing top-tier teams in a competitive environment like the MCG. He pointed out that Melbourne’s conditions are unique and demand a different approach.

    Source:- news 18

    Rohit also acknowledged the importance of maintaining mental fortitude, stressing that in a high-stakes series, it’s crucial to remain focused on the present task. He highlighted the need for the team to adapt quickly to the conditions and execute their plans to perfection, without getting carried away by the emotional highs of previous victories.

    The focus for India, according to Rohit, is on the execution of their strategies and playing to their strengths. Despite the team’s recent fightbacks, the veteran player reiterated that every match is a new opportunity and a fresh challenge, especially against a side like Australia in their home conditions.

    As the team heads into Melbourne for the next leg of the series, Rohit’s comments underscore the importance of staying grounded and preparing meticulously for each new battle.

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