As the conflict in Ukraine continues, allegations have surfaced that Russia is using hunger as a strategic weapon. Ukrainian and international officials have accused Moscow of deliberately targeting agricultural infrastructure and blockading grain exports, exacerbating food insecurity both within Ukraine and globally.

    Source:- BBC news

    Ukraine, often referred to as the “breadbasket of Europe,” is a major exporter of grain and other agricultural products. Since the onset of the conflict, Russian forces have reportedly targeted Ukrainian farmlands, grain silos, and transport routes. These actions have severely disrupted the planting and harvesting seasons, leading to significant reductions in crop yields. Additionally, the destruction of agricultural facilities and the mining of fields have rendered vast areas of fertile land unusable.

    Source:- India today

    The blockade of Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea has further compounded the crisis. These ports are crucial for the export of Ukrainian grain to international markets. By restricting these exports, Russia has not only hampered Ukraine’s economy but also triggered a ripple effect, causing food shortages and price hikes worldwide, particularly in regions dependent on Ukrainian grain supplies, such as Africa and the Middle East.

    International bodies, including the United Nations, have condemned these tactics, emphasizing that the deliberate starvation of populations and the disruption of food supplies constitute violations of international humanitarian law. The ongoing situation has intensified calls for renewed diplomatic efforts to ensure the protection of food security and to prevent further escalation of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and beyond.

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