The fundamental question still stands: Has Scholz’s Zietenwende speech sparked an endless battle in Europe? German foreign policy has experienced its share of vacillations since then.
    In his speech to the Bundestag, Scholz pledged to assist Ukraine in fending off Russia, to spend $100 billion on defence all at once, and to raise defence spending to 2% of GDP. Berlin has pledged to decrease its reliance on cheap Russian gas in addition to these significant financial obligations. In fact, the affordable gas is what has kept many companies in Germany viable.

    Source: ANI News
    A few days prior to the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Germany made the quiet decision to withdraw its certification from the Nord Stream 2 gas agreement with Russia.
    Beijing and Moscow have supported Moscow’s recent demands for the UN Security Council to look into the circumstances surrounding the sabotage. There have been claims that the act of sabotage was pre-announced since Biden had vowed to destroy it in the case of a Russian invasion, starting with the exposu00e9 by Pulitzer Prizeu2013winning journalist Seymour Hersh that it was the US that destroyed the pipeline.
    Germany, a significant exporter to China, has been investigating the feasibility of economic decoupling. In this time of unparalleled turbulence, will that be the lure that convinces India to ditch Russia and China and align with the US and Europe? New Delhi’s dilemma could deepen if Beijing, which has accused Washington of stoking fires in Europe, help Moscow with troops and weapons to fight NATO forces.
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