Furthermore, Russia is not being harmed by India’s growing economic and security alliance with the West. That may be the reason why Jaishankar and Sergey Lavrov, his colleague, felt it was important to emphasize their unique bond. 

    Answering a query on the western belief that India’s relationship with Russia is a handicap, Jaishankar, who is currently on a five-day visit to the country, said that Moscow is a very valued and proven partner.

    The relationships were not based on political whims, according to Lavrov, but rather on mutual respect. President Vladimir Putin noted that despite global unrest, relations with friends were improving and extended an invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Russia.A comprehensive assessment of the two-way relationship has been scheduled. 

    Though it has continuously demanded an end to the fighting in Ukraine, New Delhi has not openly criticized Russia for the incursion. It has also increased its purchases of Russian oil while defying US demands to impose sanctions. Fertilizers are among the several goods supplied by Russia that Jaishankar has identified as crucial to bilateral trade. However, the rupee-rouble payment system is still unresolved.

    Source: CRUX

    Washington may have come to terms with India’s stance on Russia because it perceives India to be more closely aligned with the US on the China issue. It is also crucial for New Delhi to realize that Putin would become more proximate to China if Russia were to become isolated.

    Future phases of the Tamil Nadu nuclear power plant Kudankulam have also been agreed upon. There are six reactors on it. By 2016, two were up and running. Lavrov declared that preparations to build military weapons together had advanced noticeably. That might require protracted talks. India is willing to expand the kind of weapons it imports and forge closer military connections in order to increase defense output.

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