Tubelight,’ released in 2017, brought together the successful duo of Salman Khan and Kabir Khan, who had previously collaborated on blockbuster films like ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ and ‘Ek Tha Tiger.’ However, ‘Tubelight’ failed to meet box office expectations, and its unconventional storyline didn’t resonate with some fans.Anurag Kashyap, known for his frankness and unconventional filmmaking, spoke about the incident during a recent interview. He stated that Salman Khan’s loyal fan base can sometimes exhibit fanaticism that goes beyond appreciation for their idol’s work. Kashyap mentioned that after the film’s lukewarm reception, a group of angry fans targeted Kabir Khan, blaming him for the film’s failure.Salman and Shah Rukh Khan are two of the biggest superstars in India. They have an incredible fan following, which is wonderful. But sometimes, this adulation can turn into something darker, Kashyap stated during the interview. When ‘Tubelight’ didn’t perform as expected, some of Salman’s fans lashed out at Kabir Khan, holding him responsible for the film’s fate. It was a shocking incident that reminded us of the thin line between admiration and fanaticism.Kashyap further emphasized that actors like Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, owing to their massive fan base, carry a unique responsibility to guide their admirers towards positive expressions of fandom. He praised both actors for their charismatic appeal but highlighted that such incidents serve as a stark reminder of the challenges they face.Source TOIWhile Salman Khan and Kabir Khan did eventually work together again in ‘Bharat,’ it’s crucial to recognize the pressure that filmmakers and actors can endure when their projects do not meet the high expectations of their fan base.
    The incident raises broader questions about the responsibility of celebrities and the role of fans in the entertainment industry. The fine line between expressing disappointment and resorting to aggression should be a cause for reflection for fans and celebrities alike.As Bollywood continues to evolve, it is imperative for fans to show appreciation and support for their favorite stars in a healthy and respectful manner, respecting the creativity and diversity that the industry offers.In conclusion, Anurag Kashyap’s revelation sheds light on the complex relationship between Bollywood stars and their fans. It serves as a reminder that celebrities like Salman Khan and Kabir Khan face not only the pressures of the industry but also the sometimes unwarranted anger of their most fervent admirers. This incident underscores the need for a more responsible and respectful fan culture within the world of Indian cinema.Share your views in the comments


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