Sanjay Leela Bhansali has not yet confirmed a director for the much-anticipated sequel *Rowdy Rathore 2*, despite the growing excitement around the project. The original *Rowdy Rathore*, directed by Prabhu Deva, was a massive commercial success, and fans have been eagerly waiting for its sequel. However, Bhansali, known for his distinct style of filmmaking, has yet to finalize a director for the sequel, leaving many wondering about the direction the franchise will take.

    Source:- bbc news

    While Bhansali has been involved in the creative discussions surrounding *Rowdy Rathore 2*, there has been no official announcement regarding who will helm the film. The film industry is buzzing with speculation about whether Bhansali himself might take the reins or if another director will step in to bring the action-packed narrative to life. Given Bhansali’s history of grand, visually spectacular films such as *Padmaavat* and *Bajirao Mastani*, many believe his directorial touch could add a new level of grandeur to the film.

    Source:- news 18

    The sequel to *Rowdy Rathore* is expected to continue the story of the high-octane action and the larger-than-life characters that made the first film a hit. With Akshay Kumar set to reprise his role, the film is poised to continue the success of its predecessor. However, the uncertainty around the director’s role has raised questions about the film’s overall direction.

    As the production gears up, fans are hoping for an update on the director’s announcement soon. The pressure is high to deliver a sequel that lives up to the expectations set by the original, and with Bhansali’s involvement, the film promises to be a major event in the coming years.

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