The story of u2018Kathal- A Jackfruit Mysteryu2019 comes straight from the heartlands of India, placed in a fictional town called Moba. Directed by Yashowardhan Mishra, written by Ashok Mishra and Yashowardhan Mishra, the film is produced by Sikhya Entertainment, Balaji Telefilms Ltd. It will be available exclusively on Netflix from 19th May 2023 onwards. 
    Inspired by true events, this film showcases Sanya Malhotra, in a never seen avatar, playing the role of a sincere and determined cop on a mission to find the missing Kathals.
    Director Yashowardhan Mishra said; u201cKathal- A Jackfruit Mystery is an extremely special film for me, not just because it marks my debut as a feature director but also because this is a story that will strike a chord with audiences across the country. 
    I am so thrilled that the audience at the SRCC Histrionica had such a warm and exhilarating response to u2018Kathal- A Jackfruit Mysteryu2019. Every character has been etched with extreme thought and depth, giving each and every one an immense spectrum of character sketches to work with, helping me bring each facet of the film to life. 
    I am extremely humbled that this story will reach millions of viewers not only in India but across the globe via Netflix.u201d
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