The BCI, which is the regulatory body for lawyers in India, had argued that the recognition of same-sex marriage would be a violation of the country’s traditional values and cultural norms. However, this stance has been strongly criticized by many members of the legal community, including the Supreme Court Bar Association.
    In a statement, the Association said that the BCI’s comments were regressive and insensitive to the rights of the LGBT community. It also called on the BCI to retract its statement and to refrain from making any further comments on the case.
    The Association further stated that it is the duty of the legal profession to uphold the principles of equality and justice and to fight against discrimination and prejudice. It emphasized that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, have the right to equal treatment under the law.The same-sex marriage case, which is being heard by a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court, has sparked a heated debate in India. While some groups have called for the recognition of same-sex marriage as a fundamental right, others have argued that such a move would be against India’s cultural and religious traditions.
    The Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the case in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the legal community will continue to debate the issue and advocate for the protection of the rights of all individuals, including those in the LGBT community. 
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