The vehicle, which belonged to a private school in the area, was regrettably running on a day that was designated as a holiday due to Eid. The accident was brought on by the driver’s carelessness, who was apparently intoxicated. 

    Beyond just the driver, there are other people involved in this incident who have been charged, including the principal of the school and an official.This instance highlights the necessity of both accountability and a thorough examination of the safety protocols controlling school transportation. 

    Source: Mint

    It is apparent that enforcement procedures have failed, allowing such catastrophes to happen across the nation with worrying regularity, despite standards established by the Supreme Court in 1997. The strict enforcement of the SC directives is necessary, as they require experienced drivers, respect to speed restrictions, and severe disciplinary action for traffic offences. 

    To guarantee the welfare of every child, the authorities in every state are required to uphold these requirements. It is necessary to establish a specific regulatory agency to manage school transportation. This kind of organisation would be in charge of keeping an eye on compliance, carrying out routine inspections, and putting preventative measures in place to lessen risks.

    Source: The Economic Times

    Legislators, educators, and law enforcement organisations must take note of this warning and act decisively to ensure that similar incidents don’t happen again. It is imperative that the Mahendragarh case act as a trigger for significant reform, bringing in a new era in which child protection is not negotiable. Anything less would be a betrayal of our shared duty to protect vulnerable persons and a dishonour to the memories of innocent lives lost.

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