Shah Rukh Khan recently responded to an endearing gesture from Rana Daggubati, who touched his feet during a public event. The interaction took place at a special screening of “Jawan,” Shah Rukh’s latest blockbuster, in Hyderabad. The moment caught everyone’s attention when Rana, showing respect and admiration, bowed down to touch Shah Rukh Khan’s feet. As the crowd cheered, Rana remarked, “We’re South Indian, this is how we do it,” underscoring the traditional gesture of respect in South Indian culture.

    Source:- news 18

    Shah Rukh Khan, visibly moved by Rana’s gesture, responded with humility and grace. He smiled warmly and pulled Rana into a hug, acknowledging the respect shown to him. SRK expressed his appreciation for Rana’s gesture and shared his admiration for South Indian culture and cinema. He praised Rana for his work in the film industry and highlighted the strong bond between Bollywood and South Indian cinema

    Source:- -BBC news

    Fans on social media quickly noticed the exchange, and the clip of the moment went viral, with many praising both stars for their humility and mutual respect. Shah Rukh, known for his charismatic personality and friendly demeanor, later took to social media to express his gratitude for the warm welcome he received in Hyderabad and praised Rana for his grace and love.

    Rana Daggubati’s gesture was seen by many as a mark of his respect for senior actors and his rootedness in cultural traditions. The event further solidified the growing camaraderie between stars from Bollywood and South Indian cinema, showcasing a spirit of unity and mutual respect.

    This heartwarming moment served as a reminder of the cultural nuances that continue to enrich Indian cinema, highlighting the unity and respect that transcend regional boundaries, and the special bond that actors like Shah Rukh Khan and Rana Daggubati share.

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