After emerging as the highest-grossing Bollywood film, it has now managed to collect an impressive Rs 28.5 crore on day 12 at the box office. The total collection of the film now stands at Rs 429 crore, according to Sacnilk (early estimates). The Siddharth Anand directorial has minted Rs 800 crore worldwide till now, according to trade analyst Ramesh Bala. In a statement, the filmu2019s producers said, u201cPathaan, on its 12th day (second Sunday), registered a huge 28.50 crore net in India (Hindi u2013 27.50 crore, All Dubbed versions u20131 crore). In 12 days, Pathaan has recorded $38.68 million in the overseas territories alone, while net collection in India stands at 429.90 crores (Hindi u2013 414.50 crore, Dubbed u2013 15.40 crore)! The total worldwide gross is an incredible 832.20 crore (India gross: 515 crores, overseas: 317.20 crores).u201d
    Source: CrickbollyBala also said that Pathaan is all set to beat the Golden Globe-winning movie RRRu2019s record in the US. He wrote on Twitter, u201cIncluding re-releases, #RRRMovie has done $14,861,603 in #NorthAmerica #Pathaan has already entered $14 Million club there. Will cross #RRR soon.u201d
    Pathaan became the fastest Hindi film to cross the Rs 400 crore mark. Baahubhali 2 and KGF 2 (Hindi version) hit the Rs 400 crore mark on their 15th and 23rd day, respectively. Recently, during an AMA session on Twitter, a user asked Shah Rukh Khan to reveal Pathaanu2019s real box office collection. Shah Rukh replied in his signature cheeky style and wrote, u201c5000 crores Pyaar. 3000 crore Appreciation. 3250 crores hugsu2026.2 Billion smiles and still countingu201d, further teasing the netizen, he wrote, u201cTera accountant kya bata raha hai??u201d
    Pathaan marks the comeback of SRK to acting after a gap of over four years. He was last seen in the box office failure Zero. Khan also has Atleeu2019s Jawan and Rajkumar Hiraniu2019s Dunki in the pipeline.

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