The incident dates back to the early ’80s when both Shakti Kapoor and Feroz Khan were rising stars in the Hindi film industry. They were shooting in the same vicinity when fate brought their paths together in an unexpected way. According to Kapoor, their cars accidentally collided, creating a tense situation that he thought might escalate into a confrontation.
    In a recent interview, Kapoor recalled, I thought Feroz Khan would get angry and might even hit me after the accident. But instead, he got out of his car, laughed it off, and made sure everyone was okay. He had this charismatic aura and a larger-than-life personality. I was in awe of him.The incident, which could have been a source of tension, turned into a turning point in Kapoor’s life. Impressed by Shakti Kapoor’s ability to hold his ground during the incident, Feroz Khan approached him with an offer to play the role of the main antagonist in his upcoming film Qurbani (1980). Kapoor gladly accepted the opportunity, and Qurbani went on to become a blockbuster, establishing Kapoor’s position as one of Bollywood’s most sought-after villains.Sourceu00a0 TOIFeroz Khan’s belief in me changed the course of my career. ‘Qurbani’ opened doors to more significant roles, and I will always be grateful for that chance encounter. He was a true gentleman and a remarkable human being, Kapoor fondly added.
    Feroz Khan, who was a celebrated actor, director, and producer in the Indian film industry, passed away in 2009, leaving behind a legacy of memorable performances and an indelible impact on the minds of his fans and colleagues.Reflecting on his career and the dearth of charismatic villains like Feroz Khan in today’s cinema, Shakti Kapoor expressed, We don’t see villains like him anymore. He had a unique charm and style that made his characters unforgettable. I truly miss working with him.Shakti Kapoor’s journey from the accidental collision to stardom stands as a testament to the unpredictability of life and the opportunities it presents. As the industry fondly remembers Feroz Khan, fans and fellow actors alike cherish the memories of his on-screen brilliance and the remarkable persona he embodied.Share your views in the comments


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