Shiv Kumar Khurana, a veteran Bollywood director who helmed a lot of films, died on Thursday in a Mumbai hospital. He was taken to the hospital for age-related ailments and passed away at 83 years old.  Shiv Kumar Khurana’s best works are Mitti Aur Sona, Bad Naseeb, Badnaam, Badkaar,  Be Aabroo, and Sone Ki Zanjeer, to name a few.Shiv Kumar Khurana departed at Brahmakumari Global Hospital in Bombay as a result of an age-related ailment, according to an ETimes story. Today, October 28, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., he will hold a prayer meeting at Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Four Bungalows, Andheri West, Bombay.His spouse, two sons, and their respective family survive him.Celebrities pay their respects to director Shiv Kumar Khurana.Several celebrities began sending condolence messages soon after the news surfaced. Vindu Dara Singh, a television actor who rose to prominence after winning the season 3 of Bigg Boss, too paid sincere respect to Khurrana. Wonderful soul may God grant his family the strength to suffer this irreplaceable loss, he tweeted. Notably, Khurrana was the filmmaker who first introduced Singh in the Bollywood movie ‘Karan’ in 1994.Shiv Kumar Khurana has chosen actor Vinod Khanna in the role of a hero.Deep within the filmmaker’s history, it is said that Shiv Kumar Khurana was also the first one to sign famed Bollywood actor Vinod Khanna as a hero. Back in the mid-1990s, Vinod Khanna was well-known for playing antagonists in films. Knowing this, choosing him as the film’s hero wouldn’t have been a simple task. Vinod Khanna rose to prominence after delivering a big hit in ‘Mera Gaon Mera Desh’ in which he played a villain, and his first sole lead in ‘Hum Tum Aur Woh’ the following year.Shiv Kumar Khurana directed and produced ‘Hum Tum Aur Woh.’ We express our sympathies to the renowned filmmaker. Leave your condolences in the comments below.


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