Shraddha Kapoor recently revealed that she has signed three new films after the success of *Stree 2*, which has left fans excited about her upcoming projects. The actress, who has always been praised for her versatility, shared that these films would showcase different aspects of her acting skills. Fans and industry insiders are eager to see how she takes on new roles, especially after her standout performance in the horror-comedy sequel.

    Source:- BBC news

    However, the announcement also sparked a wave of trolling on social media. Some critics and fans, who have observed Kapoor’s performances in her previous films, expressed skepticism. They suggested that her acting style remained similar across different roles, with one troll humorously commenting, “Acting sab mein same hi milegi” (Her acting will be the same in every film). This critique highlighted the perception that Kapoor’s on-screen persona often revolves around a certain type of character or emotional expression.

    Source:- news 18

    Despite the online criticism, many of Kapoor’s fans came to her defense, praising her for being one of the most talented actresses in the industry. They pointed out that Shraddha has consistently delivered hits and played a variety of roles, from romantic comedies to intense thrillers. The success of her previous films, including *Aashiqui 2* and *Chhichhore*, shows her range as an actress, and fans are hopeful that her upcoming films will further demonstrate her versatility.


    As Shraddha Kapoor continues to rise in popularity, her latest projects will undoubtedly be closely watched, with both critics and fans eager to see how she evolves as an actress. Whether she can silence the trolls or prove them right, only time will tell.


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