Former Karnataka Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy has accused current Chief Minister Siddaramaiah of using his influence to help his wife, Parvathi, acquire government land in Mysuru. In a press conference, Kumaraswamy presented official documents to support his claims, alleging that Siddaramaiah facilitated the allocation of plots to his wife through his political connections.

    Source:- news 18

    Kumaraswamy highlighted that the land in question was initially meant for the economically weaker sections and was supposed to be distributed through a lottery system. However, he claimed that Siddaramaiah bypassed this process, ensuring that the plots were allocated directly to his wife. Kumaraswamy also alleged that several other influential individuals were similarly favored in this land allocation.

    Source:- BBC News

    The documents released by Kumaraswamy include government orders and communications that, according to him, prove Siddaramaiah’s involvement. He also questioned the ethics of such actions, especially when the land was intended for the underprivileged.


    Responding to the allegations, Siddaramaiah dismissed the claims as baseless and politically motivated. He argued that the land allocation process was transparent and followed all legal procedures. Siddaramaiah accused Kumaraswamy of trying to tarnish his reputation ahead of upcoming elections.


    The allegations have sparked a political controversy in Karnataka, with opposition parties demanding a thorough investigation into the matter. The issue is likely to intensify the rivalry between Siddaramaiah and Kumaraswamy, both of whom have a history of political confrontations.


    This controversy adds another layer to the complex political landscape in Karnataka, where land and property issues have often been at the center of political battles. The outcome of this dispute could have significant implications for both leaders and their parties as they prepare for future electoral contests.

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