She said government has an authority to add another supplementary grant in next year budget. The additional grant required to meet the required expenditure of the government is called Supplementary Grants. 
    She said UPA government had placed 2 supplementary grants in 2008 when global financial crises was impacting the economy. 
    Image credit: Stanford news.The inflation is now under the tolerable band of RBI. Adding that when UPA government was in power in 2013 the inflation was even above 10%. The demand for MNREGA is also reducing suggesting that unemployment is also reducing. Indian rupee is also performing well as compared to other currencies. CPI for November 2022 came down to 5.88% year on year, down from 6.77% in October. She pointed out that the numbers were 19.93% and 18.19%, respectively, in November and October 2013, when UPA was in power, inviting barbs from the Opposition of selectively quoting facts.In rural areas, the demand for MGNREGA in the recent past has been coming down. MGNREGA is a demand-driven programme, and if demand does not come, should I read it as it is going up. She said. It is a matter of fact, every report has told you that the Indian rupee against every other currency has only strengthened, and against the dollar, we have performed much better N than many other emerging market economies. It is not off the cuff A that I keep saying things. It is the truth about the Indian rupee, and that has to be appreciated. FM said  answering the questions of opposition on Indian rupee.


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