Spain’s Supreme Court has upheld arrest warrants for several Catalan separatist leaders, even as discussions around granting amnesty gain momentum. The court’s decision comes despite the ongoing political negotiations between the Spanish government and pro-independence parties aimed at resolving the long-standing conflict.

    Source:-news 18

    The arrest warrants target leaders involved in the 2017 Catalan independence referendum, which Spain declared illegal. Among those affected are exiled former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and other prominent figures who fled Spain to avoid prosecution.

    Source:- BBC news

    This ruling has sparked controversy and reignited tensions in the region. Supporters of Catalan independence argue that the move undermines efforts for a peaceful and democratic resolution. On the other hand, opponents maintain that upholding the law is crucial for national unity and justice.

    The decision complicates the path toward amnesty, a key demand of the Catalan parties supporting Spain’s minority government. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez faces a delicate balancing act between adhering to legal principles and advancing dialogue to achieve a lasting settlement. As political dynamics continue to evolve, the issue remains a contentious point in Spanish and Catalan relations.

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