Satendra Siwal was detained by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) last week. They claim he was receiving payment in exchange for providing sensitive information on the operations of the Indian military establishment, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), and the Ministry of Defence. 

    Siwal had been employed by the MEA and had been stationed in the Russian Embassy since 2021 as a “India-based security assistant.” Electronic and physical surveillance, according to the ATS, showed that he was operating in collusion with a network of ISI handlers to carry out anti-Indian actions.

    Source: Wion

    The case serves as a sobering reminder of the ISI’s schemes, which have been instrumental in carrying out Pakistan’s military philosophy of bleeding India dry with a thousand cuts, even as the MEA and the ATS work to uncover the spy ring. It is no secret that the spy agency has spent decades stoking the flames of terrorism in J&K and Punjab. 

    There is no question that Pakistan is utilising Indian nationals to conduct espionage against India—this is the third time in the last seven months that a MEA employee has been detained for connections to the ISI.Given that Pakistan is expected to form a new government following this week’s elections, New Delhi must keep an eye on its strategy. 

    Source: WION

    At Indian embassies and missions abroad, surveillance must be stepped up. Care should also be used when hiring junior and non-diplomatic personnel. It is essential that their credentials be thoroughly verified. Techniques for counterintelligence and counterespionage should be improved in order to identify moles before they do irreversible harm. India cannot afford to allow the ISI to compromise its key offices and embassies in an attempt to destabilise the nation.

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