Stree 2,” starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has become a box office sensation, crossing the Rs 500 crore mark on its 22nd day. The horror-comedy sequel has managed to captivate audiences nationwide, earning Rs 502 crore and surpassing the Hindi box office collection of “Animal.” This achievement is significant as it positions “Stree 2” as one of the top-grossing films of the year, demonstrating the strong pull of its storyline, star cast, and entertainment value.

    Source:- news 18

    Directed by Amar Kaushik, “Stree 2” continues the legacy of its predecessor, which also starred Rao and Kapoor and was a critical and commercial success. The film’s unique blend of humor and horror, along with stellar performances from its leading actors, has proven to be a winning formula at the box office. The audience’s positive word of mouth, combined with strong marketing strategies and effective release timing, has further contributed to the film’s success.

    Source:- BBC news

    “Stree 2” has outperformed several major releases, establishing itself as a blockbuster hit. The movie’s impressive performance comes in the wake of fierce competition from other big-budget films. However, its ability to resonate with a diverse audience has set it apart, allowing it to maintain a steady hold on ticket sales.

    With the film continuing to attract viewers, analysts predict that “Stree 2” could cross even higher milestones in the coming weeks. Its accomplishment in overtaking “Animal’s” Hindi box office record is a testament to the film’s mass appeal and enduring popularity. This success reinforces the potential of innovative content in the Indian film industry and sets high expectations for the future of the franchise. “Stree 2” stands as a significant achievement in Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s careers, cementing their status as versatile and bankable stars.

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