The study’s findings, which were published in the journal Information Technology & People, revealed that all Gen Z participants thought digital personal brands were crucial for how they presented themselves to potential employers and for making a good first impression.
    Gen Z students and employers benefit equally from the work put into developing and maintaining personal brands during the hiring process.
    Source:- Envisionit
    Past studies have Professionals often maintain a pristine online persona, but we discover that Gen Z job searchers do better with an imperfect online persona University of Greenwich professor Alastair Morrison made the statement.

    Source: Brooke Roberts
    The more Gen Z students put effort into building their brands on websites like LinkedIn, the more likely it is that employers will locate their profiles and be able to assess the abilities, qualities, and cultural fit of the applicant.
    Companies expect students in the Gen Z generation to create LinkedIn profiles and highly promote them to them.
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