Synthetic textile makers in India are appealing for relief from the Quality Control Orders (QCOs) imposed by the government, citing significant disruptions in their supply chains. These QCOs, designed to enforce stringent quality standards on imported textiles, aim to enhance domestic production quality and protect consumer interests. However, industry stakeholders argue that the sudden and strict implementation of these regulations is causing bottlenecks, particularly in the import of essential raw materials and intermediate goods.

    Source:- news 18

    The textile manufacturers contend that the QCOs have led to delays in procurement and increased costs, affecting their production timelines and competitiveness. With global supply chains already strained due to the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, the additional regulatory burden exacerbates the situation. Industry bodies are requesting a phased implementation of the QCOs and more lenient compliance timelines to allow manufacturers to adapt without disrupting operations.

    Source:- BBC news

    Additionally, they emphasize the need for government support in facilitating smoother customs clearance and providing infrastructure to meet the quality standards domestically. The relief sought by synthetic textile makers is crucial for sustaining their operations and maintaining the sector’s contribution to the Indian economy, which is significant in terms of employment and export earnings.

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