Opinion Navy rescue- Commendable alacrity on the high seasBy January 8, 20240 Its determination to serve as the Indian Ocean Region’s net security provider has not wavered in the face of this.…
Opinion Choppy waters- India must plug gaps in maritime securityBy January 2, 20240 Three ships were sunk and ten militants were killed when US helicopters repulsed an attack on a Singapore-flagged vessel in…
Opinion Maritime security- Rajnath’s stern warning is reassuringBy December 28, 20230 The comforting words are made in the midst of worries regarding trade and maritime lanes’ safety. The minister asserted that…
Opinion What the China-Pakistan naval exercises mean for IndiaBy tirupatinewsNovember 17, 20230 From November 11 to November 17, the fleets of China and Pakistan are exercising together in the Arabian Sea.