The SCO is rife with bilateral discrepancies, as a closer look reveals. For years, Tajikistan had prevented Iran from joining because of its support for an Islamist party in Dushanbe. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have a constant water dispute, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have an interethnic conflict, and Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan frequently engage in diplomatic sabre-rattling. They at least do not allow these divisions to taint SCO meetings, in contrast to Pakistan and India.
    Source: Tribune India
    However, India still thinks that its membership in the SCO fully suits its interests, notwithstanding the presence of China and Pakistan. In today’s fluid multipolar world, Jaishankar regards bilateral disputes between SCO members as a trait of foreign policy. 
    Apart from a few military drills, it is still a diplomatic discussion forum. As all nations in the region are hedging their bets between the West on the one side and India-China-Russia on the other, it may also develop into a significant Eurasian alliance. The SCO is appealing due to its assurance of modernization in fields related to their primary interests.
    India wants English to be added as a third official language alongside Chinese and Russian in order to spread the SCO’s viewpoints to a larger audience. Additionally, it will be a symbolic action to demonstrate that there are other SCO poles besides Russia and China. 

    Source: CNBC- TV 18
    India is a prominent participant that is leading the way in emerging industries including startups and innovation, conventional medicine, and the resurgence of Buddhist heritage. A corpus is also being discussed in order to launch several of the activities.This diversity ought also help debunk the notion that the SCO is an anti-Western organisation. If the SCO can sustain the momentum of the dialogue from Goa, it will be evident at the summit in Delhi in July.
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