S. Jaishankar firmly replied to all the criticism by the opposition on the topic of Chinese intrusion. He said that the deployment of troops is up to an extent which we ever had. Suggesting Indian government is doing enough to tackle the China threat and everything is under control and not what opposition is trying to portray. 
    I am saying that it is the obligation of the Indian state and that is the duty and commitment of the Indian military that we will not let any country, and in this case China, change the LAC unilaterally.
    Today we have a deployment of the Indian Army on the China border that we have never had. It is done in order to counter Chinese deployment which was scaled up massively since 2020.On the opposition objection that current government is in denial, he said If we were in denial, then how is the Army out there? The Army did not go there because Rahul Gandhi asked them to go. The Army went there because the Prime Minister of India ordered them to go… the fact is what is finally the proof of the pudding. The proof of the pudding is that the Indian Army is deployed today to counter any attempt to unilaterally change the LAC.He also took on Rahul Gandhi speech which alleged that china is thrashing our jawans on the border. S jaishankar said The word ‘pitai’ should not be used for our jawans. They are standing their ground. They should be respected, they should be honoured, and they should be appreciated. This is not something which is appropriate, he said.We should not directly or indirectly criticise the jawans. Our jawans are standing in Yangtse at 13,000 feet and defending our borders. They do not deserve the word ‘pitai, he said.On the subject of G20 presidency, on which opposition is strongly criticising the government to hold such a massive celebration just for political gain. G20 presidency is not an achievement, it is available to all the countries in rotation as per the opinion of the opposition parties. I don’t know the significance of this kind of propaganda because… as a system of rotation we have been entrusted to host G20, Adhir ranjan Chowdhury said.Reacting on this opinion S. Jaishankar said thatThis is a moment when the world is looking for Indian leadership. When the world values India’s leadership. Just because something is rotational does not mean you are not valued.What is your take on both the issues? Is government overstating the achievement of G20 presidency? And is government in state of denial in China border issue?


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