This decision comes on the heels of the company’s introduction of an AI-powered chatbot to handle customer support inquiries.
    The AI chatbot, designed to provide efficient and automated responses to customer queries, marks a shift in Dukaan’s approach to customer service. While the chatbot’s implementation aims to streamline support processes and enhance user experience, the substantial reduction in support staff has raised concerns about job security and the human touch in customer interactions.
    Dukaan’s decision reflects a broader trend in the tech industry where companies are increasingly embracing automation and AI to optimize operations and reduce costs. However, such moves often spark debates about the potential impact on employment and the value of human expertise. Critics argue that while AI can handle routine inquiries, human agents bring empathy, nuanced problem-solving, and the ability to address complex issues effectively.

    Source:- business standard
    The layoffs at Dukaan highlight the delicate balance companies must strike between technological innovation and the welfare of their workforce. While AI can undoubtedly enhance efficiency, the abrupt displacement of human workers can lead to negative publicity and erode customer trust if not managed carefully.

    The case of Dukaan underscores the ongoing need for businesses to consider the ethical implications of their technological decisions. It also calls for thoughtful strategies to reskill and reallocate employees whose roles are automated, ensuring a smoother transition to an AI-augmented work environment. As the tech industry continues to evolve, finding ways to leverage AI while valuing human contributions will remain a critical challenge
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