During the Gujarat riots of 2002, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of the UK ran a two-part series criticizing PM Modi’s term in office as Gujarat’s Chief Minister. Following the backlash, some platforms pulled the documentary.More than 300 distinguished Indians, including former judges, government officials, and military forces veterans, responded forcefully to the BBC documentary on Modi. During the Gujarat riots of 2002, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the country’s national broadcaster, aired a two-part series criticizing PM Modi’s term as Gujarat’s chief minister. Following the backlash, some platforms pulled the documentary.
    Source: Hindustan TimesIndia has criticized the divisive BBC Prime Minister Narendra Modi documentary series and called it a propaganda work that promotes a false narrative. Surya, however, continued to criticize the Congress party for claiming that there are enough party leaders in the state to win the election despite the fact that there is no BJP leader in the state.
    According to Surya, BJP wins on the strength of BJP karyakartha. There are enough BJP leaders in every BJP booth. 
    What are your views on this incident?


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