The story starts not in April but on January 31, 2022, when Elon Musk started investing in shares of the company. On March 14, he acquired 5% of the ownership in Twitter. He kept on buying more shares and then he finally announced on April 4 that he had become the largest stakeholder in the social media company with 9.2% in his hands.
    In just a few hours after his announcement, the billionaire magic worked, and the stock price of Twitter shares got hiked by 25%. (This is not the first time Tesla’s CEO has done something of this sort.) The board and the CEO, O. Parag Agrawal, were elated by the news, and they left no stone unturned in welcoming Elon. They actually offered him a position on the board.But Musk is not someone who wants to do things normally. He talked with the officials of the company about either making the company private or else creating a rival company to go against Twitter. The very next day, he tweeted for the first time an offer to buy the social media free speech platform for $43 billion.The officials, worried at the situation, decided to reach an agreement with the billionaire to transfer ownership. The agreement was made, and Twitter made a clause that if Musk fails to close the deal, he has to pay $1 billion in fees.This seems quite normal until May 13, when Elon tries to take a U-turn from the deal, arguing that they failed to display the true information that he demanded. Twitter reaches SEBI, and they further tell them to share the information with Musk. But he continued to take U-turns, as he terminated the deal on July 8. Then he sent another termination letter in response to the whistleblower report of Peiter Mudge Zatko, a former Twitter head of security.The Tesla CEO realized that the court case was not in his favor and once again continued with his offer. He came up with a sink in the headquarters on October 27, when he closed the deal. On the same day, he fired the Indian CEO and top officials. He also laid out weird plans and fired around 50% of the staff.Is the bird really set free, or will the bird no longer be its own self? Comment below.


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