The festival is less known to outsiders, but it is a celebration in Thailand. As a local Thai woman said, it is a way to say sorry for what you do to the river during the rest of the year.The Thailand Lantern Festival, also known as the Thar Festivals of Light, refers to the two festivals in Thailand.
    Both of these festivals are known for creating beautiful displays of light and take place on the same day. During lantern festivals in Thailand, you can see iconic swarms of sky lanterns flying into the night sky and flowers floating on the river at night. This festival usually occurs on a full moon day in November; in 2022, it will take place on November 8.One of the beliefs is that Yi Ping originated in India with the legend of the candle-carrying bird that visited the Gautama Buddha. The release of lanterns is believed to release negative energy and wish for good luck and fortune in the coming year. Krathong is traditionally made from banana leaves and a slice of banana tree; it often contains a candle, incense sticks, and flowers.It is a purification ceremony to enlighten the mind and ensure a bright future.
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