The government has been informed that China was just testing the re-silence of the Indian system as part of hybrid welfare when the Indian Air Force attacked Balakot on February 26th, 2019 as retaliation for the Pulwama terror attack by the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed terror group.
    For the past two days, experts from CERT, NIC, and the national security council secretary’s staff, led by national cyber security coordinator Rajesh Pant, have conducted dry runs on the servers of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi to check the resilience of the system to future attacks after five out of 100 physical and virtual attacks for data collection that some government officials believe originated in China.
    According to persons with knowledge of the AIIMS incident, the compromised servers have been isolated, and the system is being assessed for its resilience. In order to guard against future cyber warfare, the respondents have also suggested that a full-fledged cyber-security division be established at the VVIP hospital. According to information obtained, Delhi AIIMS has been advised to replace the hospital’s current flat computer architecture, which serves the medical needs of the nation’s highest officials, including the President and Prime Minister, with a hierarchical computer architecture with built-in redundancies. Top government officials deny the ransom demand as mere sensationalism or an attempt to deceive responders, and there was no cyberattack on the servers of the Safdarjung Hospital, as certain parts of the media have claimed.Top government experts dismiss the random demand as mere sensationalism or an effort to mislead responders, and there was no cyberattack on Safdarjung hospital servers as reported in certain sections of the media but a malfunction that has been corrected.The attack on AIIMS came to light on November 23 when users found they could not access a key application that manages appointments, stores medical records, and hosts reports from the diagnostic tests carried out at facilities.What do you think Cyber Attack is also a threat to National Security?


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