In an exciting revelation for cinema enthusiasts, acclaimed filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has shared behind-the-scenes (BTS) moments from his scriptwriting journey for his upcoming film, “The Delhi Files.” Known for his impactful storytelling, Agnihotri has once again captivated his audience by offering a glimpse into the meticulous process behind his latest project.


    Agnihotri, who gained widespread acclaim for his previous work “The Kashmir Files,” is set to delve into another significant chapter of Indian history with “The Delhi Files.” The filmmaker recently took to social media to share a short clip of himself working on the script. In the video, Agnihotri can be seen enjoying a slice of watermelon while typing away on his laptop. He humorously captioned the post, “Good nutrition is key to creative writing. #TheDelhiFiles #Script”.

    Source:- bbc News

    The journey of creating “The Delhi Files” began during the COVID-19 lockdown. Agnihotri embarked on an extensive research mission, traveling across India to gather accurate and comprehensive information. His travels took him from Kerala to Kolkata and Delhi, covering vast distances to ensure the authenticity of his narrative. The filmmaker immersed himself in a wealth of literature, reading over 100 books and more than 200 articles related to the historical events that form the backbone of his film.

    Agnihotri’s research was not limited to books and articles. He and his team also studied over 7,000 pages of research documents and 1,000 archival articles. This rigorous process was aimed at creating a film that is not only engaging but also historically accurate. The filmmaker’s dedication to his craft is evident in the depth of research and the attention to detail that he has invested in “The Delhi Files”.

    Partnering once again with producer Abhishek Agarwal of Abhishek Agarwal Arts, Agnihotri aims to deliver another hard-hitting film. The duo previously collaborated on “The Kashmir Files,” which received nationwide acclaim for its poignant portrayal of historical events. With “The Delhi Files,” they hope to continue this tradition of compelling storytelling.

    Agnihotri’s BTS glimpses have generated significant buzz among fans and critics alike. The filmmaker’s ability to blend humor with serious subject matter has always been one of his strengths, and this latest project appears to be no exception. As anticipation builds for “The Delhi Files,” these behind-the-scenes moments offer a fascinating look at the creative process of one of India’s most visionary filmmakers.

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