As is customary at major sporting events, the cabinet intends to send a government delegation, Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra and Sports Minister Conny Helder said in a joint letter to parliament. 
    We chose cooperation with Qatar with the goal of achieving long-term change, it said, adding that staying away would limit the opportunity for dialogue and cooperation.
    Because of the working conditions and human rights situation in Qatar, a parliamentary motion passed last year urged the government not to send an official delegation to the Games. 
    According to a member of the World Cup organizing committee, Qatar acknowledges gaps in its labor system, but the tournament has allowed the country to make progress on worker rights issues.
    The Qatari government previously denied a 2021 Amnesty International report that thousands of migrant workers were still being exploited.
    It was unclear who would make up the official Dutch delegation. The letter did not explicitly rule out King Willem-Alexander, who frequently attends major sporting events.


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