Twitter has taken it down. a judge was biased in granting relief to activist Gautam Navlakha in the Bheem Koregaon violence case.After taking note of the remarks against Justice Muralidhar, the president and chief justice of the Orissa High Court, the court initiated a contempt proceeding against Vivek Agnihotri’s writers, Anand Ranganathan, and the news portal Swarajya.At the last hearing, the court asked for him to be presented in person on March 16.Today, the filmmaker most recently responsible for the Kashmir files submitted an apology through his lawyer and said he had deleted the tweet in question. However, the Amicus Curiae lawyer appointed by the court to assist it Mr. Agnihotri did not remove it. but Twitter had taken it down.Following the court’s decision to lift activist Naulakha’s house arrest and transit remand, the judge admitted to being biassed because of his family’s relationship with Mr. Naulakha.Source:- LehrenMr. Naulakha, 70, was later arrested in 2020, and he is currently under house arrest in the case, which relates to alleged inflammatory speeches made at the Elgar Parishad conference held in Pune on December 31st, which Pune police claimed triggered violence the next day near the Koregaon Bheema war memorial on the outskirts of the Western Maharashtra city.The Supreme Court recently rejected Nia’s request in its challenge to his request for house arrest.
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