Sikandar Kher, who is now receiving acclaim for his role in filmmaker Vasan Bala’s Monica, O My Darling, provides an update on the status of his beloved serial, Aarya. The actor revealed his plans to begin filming for the Sushmita Sen-fronted programme in a recent interview. Sikandar, who plays Daulat in the Ram Madhvaniu2013created murder thriller, reveals, Aarya 3 we are starting in two months.
    As an added bonus, he discusses the difficulties of maintaining a consistent performance while playing the same character for so long. There’s a big break in between seasons, so I have to discover the same character all over again. After such a long break, I find it difficult to get back into character. That happened to me for the first time on the set of Aarya 2. It took me a day or two to get back into playing Daulat, Sikandar Kher admits.For Sikandar Kher, the Aarya crew is like a family.It’s been said that the actors and crew of Aarya are more like family to the actor. If there is such a thing as being in touch, we are. A close relationship of communication exists between Ram Madhvani and me. I have sporadic contact with Sush, but with everyone having such demanding schedules, it’s hard to maintain any kind of consistent communication. In any case, we are scheduled to get together shortly. We really are a family, to tell the truth. Both the ADs and the costume stylist have been in touch with me. Sikandar Kher agrees, saying, So it’s been really fantastic.Meanwhile, he has upcoming appearances in Dukaan, directed by Siddharth Singh and starring Garima Wahal, and Monkey Man, starring Dev Patel.Comment your thoughts below.


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