In a significant move, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has declared the film The Sabarmati Report tax-free in the state. This decision underscores the cultural and educational importance of the film, which has been making waves across the country since its release on November 15.


    The Sabarmati Report, directed by Dheeraj Sarna and starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, is based on the tragic Godhra train fire incident of 2002. The film has been praised for its compelling storytelling and its sensitive handling of a pivotal moment in India’s history. The announcement was made by CM Yadav during a press conference in Bhopal, where he emphasized the film’s role in educating the public about historical events.

    Source:- bbc news

    “We have decided to make the film The Sabarmati Report tax-free so that a maximum number of people can watch the film. I would also watch the film along with the other cabinet ministers,” said CM Yadav. He added that the film serves to clarify historical events surrounding a significant and tragic incident in Indian history. The Chief Minister also appealed to the people to watch the film, which uncovers the truth of the Godhra incident.

    The film’s box office performance has been impressive, with a steady increase in collections over the weekend. It opened with Rs 1.69 crore on Friday, followed by Rs 2.62 crore on Saturday, and saw a notable 44% surge on Sunday, earning Rs 3.74 crore. On Monday, the film collected Rs 1.45 crore, bringing its total earnings to Rs 9.5 crore.

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was the Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time of the Godhra incident, praised the film for revealing the truth to the public. In a post on social media platform X, he stated that it is good for the truth to be exposed in a manner that the common people can access. He also remarked that a false narrative can only last for so long, and eventually, the facts will always emerge.

    Home Minister Amit Shah also shared his admiration for the film, expressing his appreciation in a post on X. “No matter how hard a powerful ecosystem tries, it cannot keep the truth hidden in darkness forever. The film The Sabarmati Report defies the ecosystem with unparalleled courage and exposes the truth behind the fateful episode to broad daylight,” his post read.

    The film has received widespread acclaim from audiences and critics alike, with many praising its powerful message and impactful storytelling. The decision to make the film tax-free in Madhya Pradesh is expected to boost its viewership and further its impact on the public.

    As the film continues to inspire and educate audiences nationwide, it stands as a testament to the power of cinema in uncovering and presenting historical truths. The Sabarmati Report is now showing in theaters, distributed globally by Zee Studios.

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