There is uncertainty within Europe regarding the massive response from Moscow and its impact on food and energy security as China escalates in the Indo-Pacific region, with the 10-month-long Ukraine war poised to turn against Russia as a result of the deployment of the most advanced US algorithmic weapon systems.
    Apart from DG IAEA Raphael Gossi in Vienna, EAM Jaishankar met leaders from the countries of Cyprus, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Czech and Slovak Republics during his tour. 
    It is known that during his meetings with the leaders of Eastern Europe, it became clear that the Ukraine war might persist and worsen the continent’s already-growing instability.
    It is claimed that EAM Jaishankar’s counterparts in Cyprus, Austria, Czechia, and Slovakia comprehended India’s position on the Ukraine war and appreciated its firm attitude to defend its territory from the PLA along the 3488 km Line of Actual Control (LAC). The foreign ministers of Europe recognised that, despite Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, India and Russia have a long-standing hardware relationship that cannot be abruptly severed. The truth is that more than 60 to 70 percent of Indian weapons and ammunition are made in Russia, and the two countries have remained close ever since the west, led by the US, decided to back India’s western and northern rival. Considering the cross-border terrorism that India experiences
    According to diplomats in Nicosia and Vienna, EAM Jaishankar’s colleagues and senior leadership were supportive of the measures taken by the Narendra Modi government to boost the Indian economy and fight the global pandemic of cholera by not only immunising its own population but also by providing efficient vaccines to other countries, particularly those in the Global South. 
    Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific was a concern for European countries during the visit as it could result in a vertical escalation over Taiwan, Japan’s Senkaku Islands, or India’s northern frontiers. There is a good chance that a desperate President Xi Jinping may turn to external measures to quell escalating dissidence in the country, given the rise of COVID cases in China and its frantic economy running out of oxygen.

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