Today, a team from the Election Commission (EC) is visiting Haryana to oversee and prepare for the upcoming state elections. The visit marks a crucial step in ensuring that the electoral process in the state is conducted smoothly and transparently. The team will be evaluating various aspects of election readiness, including the setup of polling booths, availability of electoral materials, and the preparedness of local election officials.

    Source:- BBC news

    During their visit, the EC team will review the progress of voter registration, verify the security arrangements at polling stations, and assess the measures in place to address any potential electoral malpractices. This visit is part of the EC’s broader strategy to ensure that the election process is fair and efficient, with a focus on enhancing voter confidence and participation.

    Source:- news 18

    The team will also engage with local authorities and stakeholders to discuss any logistical challenges and to ensure that all necessary resources are in place. This includes addressing any issues related to voter accessibility, the availability of electronic voting machines (EVMs), and the smooth functioning of the voter helpline.

    In addition, the EC team will be working closely with state election officials to ensure that all procedural guidelines are followed meticulously. This visit is aimed at identifying and resolving any issues that might arise before the elections, thereby contributing to a transparent and orderly electoral process.

    The visit underscores the Election Commission’s commitment to upholding democratic principles and ensuring that every voter has the opportunity to participate in the electoral process without any hindrances. The EC’s proactive approach is expected to bolster the integrity of the election and contribute to a fair and inclusive electoral environment in Haryana.

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