The actress, who portrayed the main character in the action-adventure drama Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul, hanged herself on December 24 on the show’s set’s restroom after allegedly splitting up with co-star and boyfriend Sheezan Khan. Vineet Raina, a television personality and yet another co-star of the pair, recently discussed his friendship with Tunisha and what he knew about her relationship with Khan.
    Actor Vineet Raina posted a touching tribute to co-star Tunisha Sharma on social media shortly after she passed away, reminiscing his on-screen experiences with the actress. And today, he recalled the last time he spoke to her in an interview with a leading news portal.
    I last saw her on December 10 during the final day of my shoot as my role was coming to an end, he remarked. She sobbed as I was walking away. She invited me to attend her birthday in our previous conversation. She was gifted and had a great voice. We were all in awe when she performed on the sets once. We lost her too soon, she was a very good soul.

    Vineet mentioned how he got along well with everyone on the shoot and shared what little he knew about Sheezan and Tunisha. Added he, Never did I witness them fighting. Whatever they were doing together was away from the sets. They were quite competent. I have faith in the Mumbai police, and I know they will thoroughly investigate this matter.
    Along with that, Raina also expressed his support for Tunisha’s mother, who had asked for the authorities’ help in looking into her daughter’s death more thoroughly and had asked the police to look into the issue from all possible perspectives.
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