Imran benefited as Sharif was eliminated from the race weeks before the election. The court’s decision against Sharif was thought to have been manipulated by Pakistan’s deep state. Imran is affected by a similar qualm. In this battle of institutions, Pakistan’s current economic collapse has gone unchecked, leaving the average person doubtful of their ability to deliver the goods.
    Source: The Indian Express
    Since his connection with the army soured, Imran has been the target of unrelenting prosecution; he is now putting his release hopes on the Supreme Court. But the deep state and its political supporters will make every effort to exclude him from the elections that are set to take place in November in a society where the system of bargaining and compromise has crumbled. 
    It is not surprising that the world’s defenders of political decency have kept silent. The departure of the impulsive and volatile rabble-rouser PM appears to have been approved by Western powers as early as last year.
    As if this internal strife weren’t enough, the Taliban in Afghanistan are refusing to play the ISI’s game after two years in power because they believe Islamabad lacks economic clout and is far from an ideal Islamic state. 

    Source: BBC News
    As the Taliban appear to be doing little to stop ISIS attacks on the Pakistani state, the group appears to have gained momentum. ISIS was allegedly behind a recent suicide bombing that was directed against a political party that supported the military. Anwaarul Haq Kakar, the caretaker prime minister, is now responsible for creating a favorable environment for the elections. 
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