The accused reportedly made their way into the actor’s home in the wee hours of the morning and hid inside the actor’s makeup room, located on the third floor of Mannat. The police said in a statement, Both the accused sneaked into Khan’s Bungalow to meet him and kept waiting for the actor in his make-up room for about eight hours. They had entered at around 3 am and were caught at 10:30 am the next day.Colleen D’Souza, the manager of Khan’s bungalow, told police in her statement that the security guard called her at 11 am on February 2 to inform her that two people had managed to enter the bungalow.
    Source: LatestlyThe duo identified as Pathan Sahil Salim Khan and Ram Saraf Kushwaha claimed to have come to the city from Bharuch in Gujarat to meet the ‘Pathaan’ star. The men were caught by security guards and handed over to the police. A case of trespassing and relevant offenses has been registered against them under the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and the investigation is ongoing.According to the FIR, the trespassers were discovered by Satish a staff from the housekeeping. Satish took both of them from the make-up room to the lobby and Shah Rukh Khan was shocked to see strangers there. Mannat’s guards handed over both of them to Bandra Police, the FIR stated.
    According to Mumbai Police, the trespassers entered Mannat’s premises by scaling its outer wall. The men sustained some injuries while attempting to jump the wall. Reports state that SRK’s team gave the men first aid before handing them over to the police.
    Source: Mirror NowDuring the police inquiry, the men, aged between 20 and 22, claimed that they just wanted to meet the ‘Pathaan’ star.
    Meanwhile, on the work front, SRK has been busy preparing for his upcoming films ‘Jawan’ and ‘Dunki’ which are both scheduled for release later this year.

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