In a recent interview, Uma Bharti, the seasoned politician and staunch supporter of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), emphasized the inclusive nature of devotion to Lord Ram. She asserted, “We’ve no copyright on Ram Bhakti,” suggesting that the reverence for Lord Ram is not exclusive to any political or ideological group.

    Bharti extended an invitation to the opposition, encouraging them to participate in events related to Ram Bhakti. Her message conveyed the idea that engaging in such gatherings could help individuals overcome fear, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among diverse political factions

    Source:- NDTV

    Furthermore, the veteran leader did not shy away from addressing her own party, the BJP. She urged them to shed any sense of arrogance, emphasizing the importance of humility in politics. Bharti’s candid remarks echoed a call for self-reflection within the BJP, emphasizing that political success should not be accompanied by an air of superiority.

    Source:- CNN news 18

    Her words appeared to be a reminder to both the opposition and her own party that the spiritual and cultural values associated with Lord Ram should transcend political boundaries. By promoting inclusivity and humility, Bharti suggested a path towards fostering a more collaborative and harmonious political landscape.

    Uma Bharti’s interview not only showcased her commitment to the principles of Ram Bhakti but also conveyed a broader message about the need for unity and humility in Indian politics. Her call for opposition leaders to attend events related to Ram Bhakti was framed as a potential remedy for fear, while her advice to the BJP aimed at preventing the pitfalls of arrogance. Bharti’s perspective reflects a nuanced understanding of the intersection between spirituality and politics, offering insights that extend beyond party lines.

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