Varun, who has been in the industry for ten years, was seen enjoying a trip down memory lane.Varun Dhawan’s upcoming film, Bhediya, is geared up to take the fans on a wild ride. He reconnected with Dilwale co-actor Kriti Sanon. The dynamic combo was spotted introducing the much-anticipated teaser alongside director Amar Kaushik and filmmaker Dinesh Vijan at a big launch event in Mumbai. Their co-stars, Abhishek Banerjee and Deepak Dobriyal, who perform pivotal roles in the film, also attended the ceremony. The cast was spotted mingling with the media at the trailer premiere event. Varun, who has been in the industry for ten years, was seen enjoying a trip down memory lane.Varun Dhawan celebrates ten years in Bollywood.Varun began his acting career in Karan Johar’s Student of the Year. It also marked the debuts of Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt. Since since, the three has ruled the industry unlike anyone else. Varun has managed to amaze moviegoers with his consistent performances this year. Today, as he celebrated his tenth year in the industry, he revealed how he felt the night before the launch of his debut picture. VD admitted that he hadn’t slept because he was frightened. According to the actor, That night, I didn’t sleep. My father (David Dhawan) woke up before anyone else. I did a little prayer in the temple with my mom. My mom used to tell me so many things. There were a lot of butterflies in my stomach. I don’t think too much has changed since then, as I am nervous even now.
    Image courtesy: DNA IndiaKaran Johar’s exclusive post:Karan Johar wrote a heartfelt greeting for Varun, Sidharth, and Alia on the occasion. He shared throwback photos with them all and expressed his pride in their cinematic adventure. KJo stated in a unique manner on his Instagram page, Every year with my students over the years! So proud of their cinema journey! Itu2019s no Raaz(I) that they have mastered the ABCD of their craft and emerged as Shershaahs of goodness and talent! Love you! #10yearsofsoty.In the meantime, Varun and Kriti’s Bhediya is set to hit theatres on November 25th.


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